FAQs - PreTests


What is a TTC PreTest?

PreTests are exercises that assess your
knowledge of test content before training.

Who can take a TTC PreTest?

Everyone. All that's needed is a Visitors Pass.

Where can I find the online PreTests?

PreTests are in Activity 1: My Test.
Watch the workshop, then try a PreTest.

Why would I consider a PreTest?

PreTests are diagnostic exercises that provide
a baseline of your test content knowledge.

When can I take a PreTest?

Anytime. All that's needed is a Visitors Pass.

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How long is each PreTest?

PreTests are generally 20 minutes.
A timer is provided during the exercise.

Can I take more than one PreTest?

Yes. There is a PreTest at every campsite.
You can take each pretest one time.

What is the cost of a TTC PreTest?

There is no cost to take a PreTest.
Everyone is welcome to participate.