FAQs - My Study Plan
My Study Plan
What is My Study Plan?
Based on the success of previous campers,
the plan is a suggested preparation guideline.
Why would I use My Study Plan?
Successful campers report that creating a plan
promotes commitment to earning test confidence.
Where can I find My Study Plan?
A pathway to My Study Plan is on every Campsite Home.
Use the suggested timeline to create your personal plan.
How long is My Study Plan?
Most plans are about 20 days for each test.
A 90-day plan guides four-test preparation.
What is the Expert Training Schedule?
The commitment to this training is about 20-25 hours.
Successful campers report that 2-3 hours is
required to complete each activity.
When do I create My Study Plan?
Successful campers report that this activity
is most effective after watching the Workshops.
Who has access to My Study Plan?
Campers. Work with your Campsite Counselor
to create a realistic Plan For Success.
How can I monitor My Progress?
Find the pathway My Progress at your Campsite Home.
Use My LogBook to revisit your accumulated effort.